Manure Systems


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If you came to this page, you already know that there is money in manure.

If you 'pump pig' you also know that it is corrosive and unpleasant (especially to electronic equipment). And that most available pump-shutdown systems are expensive, and difficult to operate when 'confinement by-product liquid' is spraying all over the place.

We offer a simple but effective solution for EPA required kill functions that won't break the bank. Single-function kill boxes can be added to any new or existing engine on a primary pit or booster pump. We are very familiar with 'Green' ECM controls, with or without Murphy systems, and can build boxes to control almost any other power source.

No more trying to dial a DTMF (telephone) 911 tone from a microphone that may not be in the best of shape, and hope it works. Select the pump to shut down on the same radio you talk on, and 'blip' the mic.  That's it, easy and less than one second. The pump receiver even transmits a confirmation tone that it is shutting down the pump.

Primary and booster pumps can have a common kill-code, or each can be on its own  - you can set up each job without additional programming. Nearby auxiliary stirring pumps can be wired to the pump kill box. There is no practical limit to the number of radio controlled pumps in your system, so a crew in 'earshot' of others won't shut down the wrong pump.

Each system is built to order (figure a week), mounted in a corrosion resistant NEMA 4X polycarbonate enclosure, and is delivered to you with simple easy to wire instructions. Green ECM engines include OEM Duetsch Connections for fast installation. Green ECM's may require additional programming codes. 'Idle - not kill" is available for some engines - contact us for details.

Pump faster-slower-idle options are available. Murphy compound pressure, oil level and other sensors can be easily connected to the radio kill box without use of a separate Murphy control box. Everything needed to perform a shutdown is programmed in the radio itself - no external boxes to deal with, and all of our mobile (and portable) radios can be used to shut down engines.

Pricing starts around $1,500.00 (depending on engine type) for the complete pump kill box.

A mobile radio with talk and kill functions will run you about $350.00, including antenna. (VHF and UHF versions are available.) Manure resistant portable radios are also available, with or without kill functions.

Search tags: liquid manure injection equipment systems pivot drag hose confinement cornell pumps


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Last modified: 10/07/13

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